When we are overwhelmed, the call that seemed so clear just a short time ago seems to vanish in the haze and ministry becomes a job instead of a joy.

Assessments – Burnout Potential Inventory

By Dr. Beverly Potter
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The Burnout Potential Inventory test is brought to us by Dr. Beverly Potter and is copyrighted material. Please fill out the information below to access a copy of this material for your personal use.

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Copyright 1980, 1993, 1998, 2005. Beverly A. Potter, from: Overcoming Job Burnout: How To Renew Enthusiasm For Work, Ronin Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 3008, Oakland, California 94609. All Rights Reserved. Individuals may download this material for personal use only. Written permission of the author or publisher is required for any other reproduction. For permission contact Dr. Beverly Potter, PH 510/420-3669, FAX 510/420-3672, email beverly@docpotter.com.

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Ministry Statistics

Negative Findings

80% of respondents are currently obese or overweight

43% are obese-a much higher percentage than a demographically-matched sample of U.S. adults

Clergy Well Being Survey
2017 Key Findings

Positive Findings

78% report they feel understood by family and friends

Clergy Well Being Survey
2017 Key Findings

Negative Findings

28% have at least some functional difficulty from depressive symptoms – higher than a demographically-matched sample of U.S. adults

Clergy Well Being Survey
2017 Key Findings

Positive Findings

Fewer report working long hours, balanced with less vacation time

Clergy Well Being Survey
2017 Key Findings